Eagle Scout Jackson Buckner is one goal-driven young man. Besides achieving Eagle Scout in 2012—the highest Boy Scout rank—he soared above and beyond by earning multiple Palm Awards in rapid succession, all while keeping up with the demands of a Heritage High School senior. These achievements will serve him well as he heads to the University of British Columbia this fall to study civil engineering.
Jackson earned two Silver Palm Awards, the second of which was presented at a Denver Area Council breakfast on April 26. The Silver Palm Award is for Eagle Scouts seeking to continue advancing in leadership. Before earning the Silver, they earn Bronze and Gold. Each level represents five merit badges earned in three-month increments. Thus, the Bronze Palm represents 5 merit badges, the Gold Palm 10 and the Silver Palm 15.
He now joins a distinguished list of Honor Roll Winners on display at the Denver Area Council Headquarters in Lakewood. A special ribbon bearing his name also now hangs on the troop flag.
Because Jackson actually earned the Silver Palm twice, he now sports 51 merit badges total on his sash—30 of them earned since completing the 21 required for Eagle rank, which he earned at age 16.
His inspiration came from a fellow scout in the troop. “When I went to Switzerland with the troop in 2008, I met one of the troop’s legends—Danny Dickinson. He had been out of the troop before I entered, but he served as our guide and translator. All of us on the trip looked up to him, and we appropriately called him ‘uber-scout’—he earned six Palms before he aged out. Ever since that trip, I had no doubt in my mind that if I had the chance to earn Palms, I would take the opportunity,” said Jackson.
Jackson earned his first bronze palm on June 25, 2012, his first gold on September 25, 2012, and his first silver on December 26, 2012. He achieved his second bronze on March 26, 2013, second gold on June 26, 2013, and his most recent silver on Dec. 28, 2013. All of these achievements are represented by palm-leaf shaped pins that are fixed to his Eagle badge.
“I have enjoyed just about every badge I have taken, but my two favorites have been Water Sports and Small Boat Sailing, mostly because I do not have much opportunity to do either,” said Jackson. “In fact, I earned both of those badges at H. Roe Bartle Scout Reservation, near Osceola, Missouri.”
Because he is 18 and is no longer eligible to be a Boy Scout in the troop, Jackson serves as an adult leader. “By staying in the troop past Eagle Scout, I was able to spend more time helping scouts in the troop. It was also during this time that I learned that leadership on an individual level is just as important as the recognized leadership of official positions,” he said.
He is also active in the troop’s tangent Venture crew called Crew 114 for those ages 14-21. “This summer, I was lucky enough to return to Switzerland with Crew 114, and this time it was I who had six Palms.”
Jackson is the son of Dr. Kern Buckner and Dr. Gretchen Frey of Littleton.